Pauza Magazine Summer 2010 | Page 2

Happenings July Blues and Soul Festival - Skopje 4 Independence Day August September October 1 Krusevo 5k 2 Ilinden Celebration Chamber Theater Festival - Strumica Kumanovo Jazz Festival 19-22 Struga Poetry Evenings 15-18 Prilep Pivo Fest International Drama Festival Stobi Skopje Jazz Festival 16-22 Manaki Brothers Film Festival Bitola Evan Brengle, managing editor Jaime King, editor David Koch, editor Sarah Fazekas, layout and design editorial committee Goce Spasov, PC Safety & Security Coordinator Stephen Kutzy, PC Country Director Michael Radmann, Program & Training Officer features summer 2010 Corps logo, must adhere to certain editorial guidelines. These guidelines require that all content in this magazine be in good taste, politically neutral and culturally sensitive. Content should not include profanity, advocate a specific religious belief, be insulting or slanderous, comprise the safety and security of any Peace Corps Volunteer (PCV), nor give the impression that the author is writing on behalf of Peace Corps or the United States government. To ensure that these guidelines are met, a committee made up of PCVs, Peace Corps Staff and Host Country Nationals (HCNs) will review articles for content. submissions. All PCVs and Peace Corps staff are welcome to submit articles to be published in Pauza. If you are interested in writing an Happenings page 2 Editor’s Note This publication, which bears the name of Peace Corps Macedonia and the Peace page 4 Krusevo Freedom 5k by Jaime King page 4 I am Alice and I have fallen down the rabbit hole! page 5 Kuli Towers by Happie Datt page 5 The Other Volunteer Support Network: The Skopje Squirrel by Jordan Calhoun Stanley’s Delegation Visits America by Anna Koivu page 6 Did You Know? by David Koch The World Map Project by Kacey Molloy page 7 Did You Know? by David Koch page 8 By Kari Lowe page 7 page 8 page 9 Camp Glow by Sara Ray page 10 can be sent to [email protected]. Articles may be edited for length and 15 MAK 15s arrive Spelling Bees ROCK! by Maggie Davies and Phil Lampron Club Glow Tetovo by Kacey Molloy page 10 Club Glow Essays page 10 would like to join our editorial staff. If you would like to help with Pauza, by Beslinda Neziri and Marija Sibinovska please contact a member of the editorial staff or e-mail at pauzamag@ Not Another Teen Camp by Jordan Calhoun page 11 Caulk by Amanda Leavitt page 12 Clothing Donations by Jaime King page 12 Tearce’s Got Talent by Kacey Molloy page 13 Photos from Laura Pontecore page 13 Lives of Other PCVs: Albania by Dylan Byrd Around Macedonia page 14 content. Pauza always welcomes PCVs who Pauza Online Issues of Pauza can be viewed electronically at cover photo: Michael Erhartic 25-28 Bitola Open City Pauza article, please contact a member of the Editorial Staff. Submission deadlines will be announced. All submissions 31 Halloween 12-20 Ohrid Summer Festival 2 - pauza Cycle Macedonia Tour pauza staff editorial policy. 12-14 Interfest - Bitola 12 Galicica Wedding Festival life and times in peace corps macedonia photos on back submitted by Kerry Plath and Jessica Meyer photos submitted by (in order of apperance) Jaime King, Jordan Calhoun, Anna Koivu, Kacey Molloy, Phil Lampron, Sara Ray, Jordan Calhoun, Happie Datt, Kacey Molloy, Laura Pontecore, Dylan Byrd, Conor and Kacey Molloy, Kerry Plath, Jessica Meyer, Conor and Kacey Molloy page 15 summer 2010 - 3