Pauza Magazine Summer 2010 | Page 10

Camp GLOW Not Another Teen Camp by Sara Ray by Jordan Calhoun I t was a clear day at Mavrovo National Park. The sun was high, the breeze northerly. My phone beeped. I would be getting ready if I were you, the text read. I drew a deep breath and turned to the thirty women in teal shirts, my eyes scanning across their expectant faces. In their hands they clutched a banner reading “Girls Leading Our World.” Somewhere, a bird sang. “Alright everyone,” I said, pacing along the front line, “the campers are almost here. As we speak, they are making their approach and soon they’ll be within sight. Does everyone know how to engage them?” A chorus of agreements rang out. I nodded. They were good staff, these ones. Their training was strong, but their innate skills were stronger. Some were campers themselves last year, back to teach and lead a new class. Others had been here before, returning year after year to pass their wisdom along. Some were foreigners, here to help a cause they loved. A long horn blast shook me from my thoughts and I looked to the gate. I slipped on my sunglasses. It was time. As eighty girls from around Macedonia poured off the buses, Camp GLOW 2010 officially began. GLOW is designed to empower young women to make changes in their lives and communities. Kari Lowe and I inherited the program in its sixth year and worked closely with our partner organization—Youthink, Gostivar—to increase sustainability both for the camp and for local clubs. Throughout the day, camper groups cycled through classes focusing on various curricular elements. Immediately apparent was the level of intellect and potential within these campers. Whether they were talking about their favorite braid for friendship bracelets or their views on democracy, these young women were able to express complex thoughts in English and, more than that, engage in thoughtful discourse. As programming coordinator, I would love to say it was the insightful curriculum that changed these girls forever. But that wouldn’t necessarily be true. These girls benefited from the curriculum because their counselors and instructors imbued them with the confidence to engage themselves in it. As campers left the buses, most were quiet and timid. Only two days later, they were screaming songs about little red wagons. Six days later, they were crying as they struggled with their impending departure. In that short time, they had all become stronger. Their prejudices had subsided. Their curiosity had been stoked. Their ambitions had been encouraged. Oftentimes what makes our job as Peace Corps volunteers difficult is that results are intangible. Camp GLOW is a testament to how powerful intangible results can be. I am absolutely confident that our campers will return to your communities energized and ready to implement what they learned in their towns and schools. If they ask, help them! Thank Beslinda Neziri you so much to everyone who recruited. And to the he thing that I have done and I’m most proud of is setting up Club incredible staff; Jillian, Jackie, Rene, Ellen, Kristen, GLOW, Girls Leading Our World. Club GLOW is a girls’ leadership Ruchelle, Kari, Happie, Ashley, Joany, Keri, Kate, club designed for young high-school women in the Tetovo area. The Elizabeth, Kacey, and Sarah: thank you for taking idea of making this kind of club (first of its kind in Tetovo) came after these girls to the moon and back. the attendance of Camp GLOW. The camp taught about many things such as democracy in action, career planning, self-esteem and body image, lub GLOW Tetovo was established one year diversity appreciation, leadership, CV writing, objectification of women, ago by eight high school-aged girls who peace education, public speaking, human trafficking, peer pressure, attended Camp GLOW and wanted to share their volunteerism, and healthy lifestyles. At this camp I was taught how to be a newly acquired knowledge.  Aware that all young leader and things looked much easier for me and for my friends so when we women need the opportunity to strengthen their came back from there we thought about how we could share our experience skills in order to become effective leaders, they with other girls in our city. We practically teach the girls everything that meet every second week and invite other high we learnt in camp. By this we are trying to increase their self-confidence school girls of all ethnicities to participate.  The and encourage them be the change that they want to see in the world. By following remarks are excerpts from essays the two forming the club we are looking forward to breaking the status quo about Club GLOW coordinators wrote when applying for women in our community and show to all that everything that men can a women’s empowerment program. do women can do as well or better. The club started in October 2009 with --Kacey Molloy about seventy members and so far it has been a great success. T C Marija Sibinovska hrough the years I have often been part of different NGOs and charity organizations. 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