Pauza Magazine Summer 2009 | Page 11

A Fertility Rite By Jennifer Wells I was invited to join Maja Panevska and her family to observe a Roma fertility rite called “????????”. It actually occurred on May 5th, the day before ????????. It is performed at a rock outside the town of Sveti Nikole, and I was told it is the only place in Macedonia where the rite is held. This rock is located on a large plain, far from any hills or mountains. It appears to be the only large rock outcrop in the area. Maja said it was a meteor and is believed to have powers to help women have children. She said it was primarily a Roma celebration but Macedonians from all over the country would come to the rock on this day. In fact, on the dirt road leading to the rock, we saw license plates from Bulgaria, Serbia, Ohrid, Bitola and Prilep. The ceremony occurs in the afternoon. We arrived at 4:30 and stayed for an hour or so. By the time we left, there were many more cars parked behind us on the road, and cars were still arriving. We walked up a dirt pathway toward the rock. The area was crowded with people and there were vendors selling both food and wares on either side of the walkway. You could buy clothes, cotton candy, clothes, plastic kitchenware, lots of stuff. It reminded me of Pazar day in most small towns. There was a small concrete building on the right before you reached the rock where they were selling candles and lambs. We bought candles, lit them and placed them at the base of the rock, then walked around the rock three times for luck. But the ceremony was not really for us, it was for the women who want to become pregnant. A woman who wants a child walks around the rock holding both a red and white skein of yarn. She, and at least one other person, wind the two colors of yarn around the rock. After the yarn has circled the rock three times, it is removed and the woman and a man (not her husband) climb to the top of the rock. The rock is approximately 15 feet high. The man is her “best man”. He could have been the best man at her wedding, or he can be someone else, even someone she does not know. If ?H\???H??[??\?]H?]H??H\??\??X[?H??[???Y?\?K?H?\?X[?[?H??X[???ZY?HX\??[??HX????ZY X??]HX\???H[??\?HYY?[?HX[?]?]?\?H??X[??&\?XY ??\???H[???H?\??]?H??ZY]\??Y] ?\?\??H ?[Y\?B???ZY\?[?YY\??[?H??X[??&\??Z\? ??[?HXX?Y?X[??[\?KH?\?X[?\?HY?H?\?X?Y?\????H\?H\?????????\?H?[YH?H?[?[???H??\H??]?H???[?[H\?Z\??\?X[???\??Y[??]\?[???]?[?????Y??[?\?][??HX[B???[?H?\?X[????[??HH??\H?[?HH?\?X[?????\x?&\??[?[??Y?H??X[?\?H?[Y?\?H?\?[[?H]?H????HX[???X?Y\?\??\?X[?\?H?X??Y\?B??[Z[x?&\??\?X[?HY??X?]?[H?\X?\?H?\?X[????B?H?Y[????\?[?[?H?]\?H?[?[???Y?H??X[?\??X??\??[[?\?H?[ ?H[?\??[KB??H??X[????[??H?[?[??\??[?H?????[????B??Y[??]H??Z[??X\????[H?]\???H????[?XZ?H[?[?[X[?X?Y?X?H?H?????H?[Z[H?^\?H?X??[??[X????HH?\?]Z?\???B?????[??[X??H?????]Z\??[[?H[X??\?B?\??HX[????]?H[X??&\???] ]X????????HB?[X???H???H[??YZ???H?X?K[???H[X??Y?Z[??H?YH?H??????H?????????H????]?H?[YH[YHH?X?Y?X?H\?XYKH??X[?[???\?B??Y[??]B???ZY?X?Y??Y[?XYHB??]?[?\?YX\???H^X?][?\???]?H??ZY?[????????[?\????H???H?YB??H?????B??[X??\?H\???X?B?H?Y\???HYB?[?XZ?JH]H??ZY?[X??^?\?H[X?[X?[?? ????\??YYY???]H?X?H\?\?K[?\?8?'?]8?'H\?\??B??\????\???H?[?\??\?H[?\??[??\?X?H?^?H?YH?B???????\?Y[?[?[X[??? ?HXY[X??\?H[?]X?[?Y??????? ?]Y??]K[?Z?[??YH??HX][????[H?H?\?H\?K??X?H L[X???\?H?X?Y?X?Y ??[?Y][??H??Y[?\???Z[??H?\?[]H?]K?[?H?\?H\?[??Z\?[???X??]H????H?[YY?\]Y?[?H?[????[?H?]?H???????HH??K[?H?[?]?H???X??[YX\??[?H]\??]\??H????[??YX\??[??\X?HH?????H??][?[?H??[?] ???XZ?B?[?H???[?Y???????H??[]?HH???YX\?? H??&]????X??]] ?[??H?]\??Y?\??\?K\?H?\?[??X\?]XZ?H?[[?????Y?H??[?H?][?H?\?K??\??\?[[?H?\?HY??X?[[????]?[?\??^YY?]YH]?\??[??K?[?[X[?X?Y?X?\?????Y[HZ?B???Y][???H??[?YH[?]\??H[? ? K?H?[X?\???[?H]H????[?H\?[??\?]??YH?[H]?B??]?[Y[?X?]HH?Y][?\??[?[Y]?Y ?[?Y?B??]HX^H?HH??XH?KH\?X?\[???\?H??[Z]Y???XH[?K?H\?\?H??H?[ Z?HH\?\?H?]?K\?H?[Y]?[?K]?[???[??[?\????X?[??XZ????\???\?X?[??[???\?\??]H?[H?\??YZ[??]]??????HZ[???]?YH?]H?Z??K????[[Y\? ? H H LB??