Pauza Magazine Spring 2013 | Page 48

You work too hard . It ’ s time to stop and smell the coffee . Find a neighbor or friend and sit down for a steaming cup of Македонско кафе ( and maybe some steamy conversation too ).
Were you planning on running today ? Forget your workout , go find some ракија , some good company and pour yourselves a round . How ’ s that for наздравје !
The love of your life is passing you by right now . Go ! Tell him / her to pass by again and then get out there and фрли an око at her / him .
Forget the shower today . Fill the tub and have a long , relaxing bath with candles , bubble bath , the works . Don ’ t have a tub of your own ? See Claire Vanessa Goodwin ’ s Bath Time Review ( pg 10 ) for the nearest ( and highest rated ) one near you .
Time for a масажа ! Go find yourself a discount for massages at a local spa , or if that doesn ’ t work out , see if you can recruit a fellow volunteer . It ’ s too bad Linda COSed last month because she was the best !
Feeling hungry ? Me too . Go out and treat yourself to the first thing that comes your way . ( Street кучиња and мачки don ’ t count ).

fun and games


( 21 March- 19 April )

You work too hard . It ’ s time to stop and smell the coffee . Find a neighbor or friend and sit down for a steaming cup of Македонско кафе ( and maybe some steamy conversation too ).



( June 21st- July 22nd )

Were you planning on running today ? Forget your workout , go find some ракија , some good company and pour yourselves a round . How ’ s that for наздравје !


( May 21st- June 20th )


( April 20th- May 20th )

The love of your life is passing you by right now . Go ! Tell him / her to pass by again and then get out there and фрли an око at her / him .

Forget the shower today . Fill the tub and have a long , relaxing bath with candles , bubble bath , the works . Don ’ t have a tub of your own ? See Claire Vanessa Goodwin ’ s Bath Time Review ( pg 10 ) for the nearest ( and highest rated ) one near you .


( July 23rd- Aug 22nd )

Time for a масажа ! Go find yourself a discount for massages at a local spa , or if that doesn ’ t work out , see if you can recruit a fellow volunteer . It ’ s too bad Linda COSed last month because she was the best !


( Aug 23rd- Sept 22nd )

Feeling hungry ? Me too . Go out and treat yourself to the first thing that comes your way . ( Street кучиња and мачки don ’ t count ).

48 – Pauza Magazine