Pauza Magazine Spring 2013 | Page 27

Spring has sprung . Flowers and baby animals are in bloom . Friends , neighbors and Peace Corps Volunteers are emerging from sleepy winter hibernation , getting outside to enjoy nature in all its transforming glory . Unfortunately , with the mass exodus of people into the outdoors this time of year also comes the “ blooming ” of an invasive species known as trash . It comes in all shapes and sizes , often with a life expectancy long exceeding any of our own . This trash invades our waters , our fields , and our forests , choking out plant life , poisoning wildlife and proliferating as fast as a noxious weed . It ’ s not confined by borders , as it runs rampant throughout many countries of the world . So where do we even begin tackling the challenge of litter and illegal dumping of trash ? Since we live in this beautiful country of Macedonia , rich in historical and natural treasures , we can begin right here , right now .
Peace Corps Macedonia ’ s Environmental Working Group is teaming up with local municipalities , NGOs and the private sector to put on the 2nd annual Macedonia Clean and Green ” national waste management conference . This year › s focus is on the 4R › s - Reduce , Reuse , Recycle and Refuse - and on strategizing for a Zero Waste Macedonia . The concept of “ Zero Waste ” is ethical , economical and efficient . Its visionary goal is to change waste management processes to replicate sustainable natural cycles , where all discarded materials become resources that others can use in an ongoing cycle . Panelists include Ana Karanfilova-Maznevski , director of development for plans and programs in waste management from the Macedonian Ministry for the Environment and Physical Planning , Biljana Stevanovska from the Educate for Sustainable
Development ( ESD ) program , and Ana Petrovska from the Regional Center for the Protection of Environment in Central and Eastern Europe ( REC ). Does this sound like something your community would be interested in ? Consider this your official invitation !

2nd annual nia Clean and Green ’ conference

Friday , May 17 , 2013 9am to 6pm Apollonia Foundation in Gevgelija RSVP : envirowg @ gmail . com

pcv pcv projects

Faces of Climate Change

By Stephen Robinson , MAK 16 President of the Environmental Working Group
The Environmental Working Group rallied this past month to promote the Earth Day Network ’ s international photography project in Macedonia . It was a chance for you and your communities to : be seen in an international forum , expose your communities to the reality of climate change , open up a dialogue about the complex issue of environmental degradation and give your community a chance to express itself visually . “ Climate change can seem like a remote problem for our leaders , but the fact is that it ’ s already impacting real people , animals , and beloved places . These Faces of Climate Change are multiplying every day . Fortunately , other Faces of Climate Change are multiplying too : those stepping up to do something about it . Together , we ’ ll personalize the massive challenge climate change presents by telling the world these stories through images shown at thousands of Earth Day events around the world .” For more information and to see photos from the Faces of Climate Change project , go here : http :// www . earthday . org / 2013 /
Spring 2013 – 27