Cabbage Casserole
Submitted by Lucianne Phillips, Country Director
1 head of cabbage
2-3 apples
300 grams sausage (more or less, according to taste)
2 Tbs. caraway (???) seeds
1 chicken bouillon cube
1 cup hot water
1 cup apple juice
1 tsp. sugar
Dice cabbage and place in a casserole dish. Core and dice apples; mix them into the cabbage.
Place the sausages–either whole or sliced–on top of the cabbage. Sprinkle caraway seeds (???)
over the casserole.
Mix together chicken bouillon, apple juice and sugar. Pour over casserole.
Cover and bake in the oven at 175 degrees Celsius until cabbage is tender, about 1 hour.
Green Bean Casserole
Submitted by Rachel Whitford, MAC X1
1 large can of green beans (850g)
1 packet of cream of mushroom soup (70g)
1 x-large onion
oil for frying
3/4 cup water
old Newsweek magazines
Pour the green beans (with juice drained) into 8x8 inch baking pan, add cream of mushroom
packet and 3/4 cup of water. Stir well. Place into oven set at 175C. Pre-heating is not necessary
because you will fry the onions while this bakes. Take a few cups of oil, depending on the size
of the pan and heat on high (after it is hot you will turn down the burner). Thinly slice the large
onion into rounds. Separate so they are not all in one round but in a million ringlets. Place the
old Newsweeks opened on the counter to act as grease catchers. Deep fry the onions to a golden
brown in groups, then let them drip on the Newsweeks to remove excess oil. After all the onions
have been fried (it probably has been 20 minutes), the water should have thickened up the green
bean casserole and the top should look congealed. Remove from oven and place fried onions
on top. Enjoy.
PauzaVol5.2.indd 18
Spring 2007
6/29/07 12:31:14 PM