Pauza Magazine Fall 2009 | Page 6

Ne Znam By Matt Tschabold 1 2 4 5 6 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Across Down 4 Watch out for that cross breeze 7 Superman might head out this way, if he needed to make a new protective suit 8 You’re not? Don’t worry we will take care of it 9 Ok it is time for this, where is the coffee 12 Staple in most recipes 13 Hey relax, there is plenty of this 17 This is where 13s got their start 19 This little treat will taste great, but there better be a bathroom nearby 21 Missing subway? Visit this new transfer and you may find something close to it 22 Always time for one of these, and it is how business gets done 24 If you head out to this west side hotspot, make sure and stop by a dynamic duo’s place for a taste of the taco turismo 26 A few blocks from a doner, if her cooking doesn’t pull you away from it 30 Kacey was AKA BO PST 31 Stop anything with this safety word 32 14s rallied here for their adventure 34 Watch out, or that door handle might just fall into that Turkish toilet over there 35 No need to rush, don’t strain yourself 36 Loosen that belt for where you are going 37 This catch all will let you do almost anything 38 This Peace Corps staffer will make sure you are locked in safe and sound with bars on all your windows 39 The highest number of 13s call this place home 1 2 6 - pauza 3 5 6 7 10 11 14 15 16 18 20 23 25 27 28 29 33 Have you heard about this sensitive subject? Settle in for a night of gambling and the temptation to visit a sweet spot just across the border This elusive MAK 14 won’t be coming to Macedonia this year, if you are confused just think of Mickey D’s Don’t even think about mixing together these two concoctions; one always follows the other Out for a jog, watch out Stop by for the annual 5k or some skiing, Macedonia started their independence here Boosts the spirit and hopefully contains a tasty treat or two The most famous little red dish Training all star Just outside Bulgaria you will find a group of older ladies and their fancy handicrafts Mold was the ticket for a new place to crash This little city is the place to be if you are looking to enjoy a nice hot cup of fake Starbucks Another fish dinner, not if there is a backpack around What is today? When is the last Wednesday? Ladies, don’t even think of going outside with those luscious locks looking like that Can’t do it here, or there, or anywhere; but it is everywhere This fiery drink will take care of any ailment This old timer has been around long enough to see many directors pass through This little place was home sweet home for a week for 13s and 14s