Pauza Magazine Fall 2005 | Page 6

Something about appearances…to which the interviewer smoothly replied (with much sap), no Muggle girl could do justice to a French half-veela woman. Goodness…did we spy a bit of the old Beauxbatons Fleur there for a moment? Getting back to the subject, the British actor playing Cedric Diggory is heartwrenchingly gorgeous, and may not be bad at all in the acting department. Finally, don’t think a n y o n e would be able to reenact Lord… well, him. But that’s all behind us, thankfully. the Bulgarian man chosen to play Krum is quite close to the real thing. Both the wizard and the Muggle are Balkan to the core, in looks and in personality. A 10, if you ask me. Of course, you all know my opinion of the teens playing the Trio. Fabulous actors, and I love getting to see them grow up on-screen. But the character I am most interested to see is the Muggle version of You-Know-Who. A popular British Muggle actor was chosen to portray him, yet I’m skeptical of whether this man can truly pull it off. Actually, in hindsight, I VOLUME 3 ISSUE 2 Anyway, this is my take on the magical phenomenon whipping the Muggle world into a frenzy, and I must say, I’m excited to be in the thick of it! Tarinthia Groban, Guest writer, Hogwarts Student Writer for the Daily Prophet Page 6