Paul Ai Magazine Fall 2019 | Page 33

PARTNER FORM The mission of this ministry is to reach the Vietnamese people through- out the world and to reach the lost among the Nations. To accomplish this mission we need to train more soul winners, develop more cell leaders and church planters, and provide Christian materials to these communities. Every worthwhile venture comes with a cost, but who can put a price tag on the value of a soul? Will you prayerfully consider standing with Dr. Paul and Ruth Ai in their vision to reach the Lost and the Vietnamese community worldwide with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? V.O.I. is a 501(c)3 organization. All contributions are tax-deductible Please make checks payable to Vietnamese Outreach International (V.O.I.) Mail to us (address on back) / Online via. Pay Pal or credit ( (Cut out this portion below to mail) Name (Church/ Individual) (Phone Number) (Mailing Address) City State Zip • • • • • I will partner with VOI. I pledge this amount of $____________________ each month I want to increase my current monthly pledge to$___________________ each month My gift of $________________ is to support the Lighthouse Children’s Refuge center My gift of $________________ is to support missions Outreach and Church Planting My gift of $_________________ is to support training Pastors/ Leaders/ Soul Winner 32