Artificial Intelligence and its application to butterfly conservation
Theivaprakasham Hari
[email protected]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most frequently heard in the news headlines nowadays. I have been
fascinated over the years by the notion of Artificial Intelligence and latest developments. Right from my
college days, I started following the progress of AI and wondered about scope for the implementing AI in
the real time scenario for butterfly conservation. Before 2017, the infrastructure facility for AI was limited
and it also proved to be a expensive affair. But in last two years (2017-2019), under the initiative of
Industrial Revolution 4.0, there have been various technological and infrastructural advancements
noticed in the domain of Cyber Physical systems
and Artificial Intelligence at a exponential phase.
This tremendous growth phase has reduced
infrastructure expenses and enhanced accessibility
for all interested individuals. From 2018, I started
taking some online courses on deep learning and
trying to build various butterfly conservation-
focused applications.
In this article, I will try to explain the separate
application of artificial intelligence that will
contribute to butterfly conservation.
So what's Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence exhibited by machines. AI is a branch of computer science which
deals with creating computers or machines as intelligent as human beings that enable high-level cognitive
processes such as thinking, perceiving, learning, problem solving and decision-making, combined with
advancements in information collection and aggregation, analytics and computer processing power.
The application of AI finds a place in almost all the subjects like Computer Science, Psychology, Neuron
Science, Medical Science, Physical Sciences, Biology, Mathematics, Sociology and Philosophy. Currently,
the applications of AI are finding a promising phase in Healthcare Sector (faster, cheaper and more
accurate diagnosis), Business Sector (Automation of job positions), Education Sector (automated
accessing, grading and rewarding marks), Financial Sector (collection of personal data and to provide
financial advice), Legal Sector (faster
resolution through Automation).
Manufacturing sector (more advanced
exponential technologies reducing time and
improving supply chain ecosystem), Intelligent
Robots, Green Technology, Gaming (devising
crucial strategies), Speech Recognition, Cyber
Security and Natural Language Processing.
One of the many promising capabilities of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is its potential
application to better understanding our
natural environment.