Life Cycle of White Four-ring
The caterpillar forms into the Chrysalis or Pupae at the end of the 5th Instar (a kind of vessel in which the caterpillar changes
into a butterfly). It takes several hours for the caterpillar to form the complete chrysalis. They usually do this on twigs or safe,
hidden areas around the host plant. Once it has turned into the chrysalis, it will rest. It will remain in this chrysalis for few
weeks. The chrysalis is usually incapable of movement, although some species can rapidly move the abdominal segments or
produce sounds to scare potential predators. Within the chrysalis the old body parts of the caterpillar will undergoing a re-
markable transformation, called ‘metamorphosis’ to become the beautiful parts that make up the butterfly that will emerge.
Once the butterfly is ready to emerge,
the case around the pupa splits open.
But it’s not time for takeoff just yet, as
the wings are at first wet, soft and
wrinkled against its body. The butter-
fly waits for its wings to dry, and
pumps a liquid called hemolymph into
them so that they become fit for fly-
ing. During which time it is extremely
vulnerable to predators. Some butter-
flies wings may take up to 3 hours to
dry while others take about 1 hour.
Most butterflies will excrete excess
dye after hatching. This fluid may be
white, red, orange or yellow is called
as Meconium. When it can fly, it will
go look for food. The butterfly will also
go look for a mate. It will soon find a
mate. It will then lay eggs. The lifecy-
cle will start all over again.