Garden of Butterflies
In order to assess the number of species occurring in the Gardens, a year long study has been undertaken from Jan 2017 to
December 2017. At least two visits were made during a month and a minimum of 2-3 hours have been spent on the data col-
lection. Only regular permissible time slot has been used by paying proper entry fee for the person and camera. It is also stated
and recorded here not a single specimen has been collected (which is totally against the principles laid down by TNBS). Photo-
graphic records have been created in most cases and a list of species observed is noted down at the end of the walk. The trail
after a few walks have fallen onto a set pattern with certain areas on the path took more time depending on the activity at that
point in time. The observations are primarily attributed to the author of this article and other members (who are acknowl-
edged elsewhere) data have been used to record species not observed by the primary study data.
A total of 127 species have been
recorded during the 12 months ob-
servation period spanning 5 of the
dominant families; the family to
miss out is Riodinidae. This number
is considered very healthy and a
walk/ visit is expected to fetch an
average of about 42 species. The
dominant families were Lycaenidae
and Nymphalidae by species counts.