Amol Mande
[email protected]
Thalamalai hills is located about 65 km from Trichy on the way to Namakkal. At the top of the hills there is Arulmigu Thaana
Valarntha (Suyambu) Perumal Temple, which attracts thousands of worshippers during the Tamil month of Purattasi. It also
attracts trekkers equally during this period. The hill is just above 700 m from MSL. The landscape is filled with scrubs and a
natural spring can also be found here.
Picture Credits: Google Maps
I have been to Thalamalai couple of times before, with my
trekking group from Trichy called Trichy Trekkers. On the
Sunday, 19th November 2017 my friend Anand & me de-
cided to trek to Thalamalai. My only purpose of trekking to
Thalamalai was to capture maximum number of butterflies
I can, because this time due to good rain it is quite green
With some initial transportation issues we reached the
base of the hill by 10.15 am and started our journey. I
could see most of the common butterflies were flying
around. Due to clear sunlight it was getting difficult to
climb and we were really feeling tired. But as we proceed
little further I was too happy to see Monkey Puzzle on the
way because I have seen it before not more than 3-4
times. As we proce