Pattampoochi - Butterfly Magazine Pattampoochi - Wings 2 Veins 1 2018 | Page 15

3 Butterflies of Coimbatore Wetlands– A 5 Years Study Butterflies & Wetlands Wetlands are home to several specialist species, especially the trees and plants. In a city landscape, the wetlands assume much significant role, as elsewhere in the city, the native trees and plants are under threat and are replaced by exotic, orna- ment and non native species. So, for some species of flora, the wetlands and areas around them seem to be the last of hiding place and so too the faunal life which is dependant on them, especially the butterflies. It is no exaggeration that some butter- flies are seen only around the wetlands (because of their host plants are still around) and a few hundred meters away, we may not find the same species until we touch the next wet land. This may also put severe pressure on the butterfly population and gene flow because of fragmentation of habitat. Any adverse impact on wetland can temporarily/ permanently wipe out the species from the location. Coimbatore wetlands are always home to butterflies and Pieridae are the family which truly enjoys their presence. Study Details Between the period 2013 and 2017, nature walks to the wetlands were undertaken at different points in time to the wetlands that was discussed earlier. During every visit, family wise, species occurring along with its count are noted down. The walks were almost throughout the years and were mostly on Sundays. The duration of walks was 2-3 hours depending on the climate and species availability. From the early data, it was clear after a while that some wetlands house more number of species and rari- ties than others; such wet lands were covered more often. In the last 6 months, all wetlands are covered at least once as part of the study. The results were tabulated, analysed and discussed below: PATTAMPOOCHI A TNBS MAGAZINE WINGS 2 VEINS 1 15