Patriot Prose JFK Patriot Prose | Page 9

Teacher Feature! “A Plea to Teens” by Mrs. Grigely, 7 th grade Language Arts teacher Put down the phone Look into the mirror And see your Authentic Self. No filters No comparisons No need for likes that only temporarily fill the void. Embrace your Uniqueness; No one can duplicate What shines from Within Put down the phone You hold the Pen To define what is Valued; Don’t forfeit that to others. 1,043 followers Yet you still feel alone. Turn to the Friend Right Here Look into actual Eyes Laugh out loud for Real Put down the phone Let go of the negative comments That feed off of your Self Worth Like bottom dwellers that never get full. They hide behind the screen And project their sadness Onto the willing recipients Diminishing your Light Usurping your Power Put down the phone Be Here. Embrace the Now. Our Time slips Right through our fingers Into the device that stares back with soulless artificial light. Turn your face to the Sky Breathe in the Natural Moment Holding onto it as your Own, with no need to share. Put down the phone, Please. You Are So Much More.