Patriot Prose JFK Patriot Prose | Page 7

“War” - Maria Griffin, Grade 6 A great roar in the distance, A sky gray with smoke, As one man staggers through the barren land, In his arms the shell of an old friend. “Why?” he wonders. His world is corrupt with war. Trapped and torn up in a sea of bombs and bullets. He looks around a realizes; It is partially his fault. He, who never broke a single rule, Who loved his family, He has caused this war. That one day, When everything seemed perfect, Surrounded by loved ones. He chose not to act, Not to stand up for the broken. He chose war. That is why I urge you, Do not look upon the world with indifference. Do not say, “Someone else will act.” For they will not. In choosing not to rise, You are choosing war.