Patriot Prose JFK Patriot Prose | Page 27

Grocery Store By: Rawan Farah, Grade 7 This morning my dad told me about his day visiting the grocery store. I wasn’t too sure what to expect but what he told me was bizarre. There was hardly any meat or hardly any eggs and people were stacking up on canned goods and water bottles. This really shows how people during this pandemic worry too often since the public isn’t even prepared for this pandemic. Meat is a main source of protein so when people were alarmed by this global pandemic they immediately ran to protein sources. The result of people panicking causes turkey and fish to become more familiar in their meals. When my father visited Costco they were only offering one packet of meat, of course it wasn’t for free but the whole industry was known for providing larger variety of items compared to other local grocery stores and when I found out about this I was shocked. They made their customers only purchase ONE packet of meat just so others can purchase, they tried making it fair but I just found it shocking. I believe CDC should inform people to be more calm about the situation and let the public know that everything is going to be fine!