Patriot Prose JFK Patriot Prose | Page 23

Sure, there are some negative things that happen that teenagers cannot control. However, they should still be aware of those problems. An art teacher at my school, Mrs. Young, says “Nuclear weapons are an issue. And, even though teens can’t do anything about that, first hand, they can still discuss this to their local politicians to bring attention to the issue.” Mr. Power, the band director at my school says that government, trade, and terrorists are important topics should care about. “Teens should care. They can ask questions. They can take government classes to get a good understanding of what they’ll be voting for, when they come of age. They need to be educated,” he says. Mr. I., the Red House assistant principal at my schools says “Teens should care about waste, and how to reduce it, civil rights, and education. They can research to find ways to be involved, present the issues to local politicians, in hopes to spread the word of these issues internationally. Young people have more of a voice than they realize.” See? Teenagers need to be involved. We will make the world what we want, and, if we will, we should be educated at an early age. We can’t just allow bad things to happen. If we did- if anyone did, where would we be right now? Our world would be at absolute rock bottom. Would anyone want that to happen? No. We should be working together, instead of against each other.