Patient Education Hemorrhagic Stroke: Understanding and Recovering | Page 6

I was found to have :
My medical risk factors include :
Risk factors I can control :
My warning signs and symptoms of rupture or re-bleeding include :

My Hemorrhagic Stroke Highlights

I was found to have :

� Subarachnoid hemorrhage ( SAH ) � Intracerebral hemorrhage ( ICH )
� High blood pressure � Diabetes � Heart disease � Irregular heart rhythm

My medical risk factors include :

� Previous stroke � Previous heart attack � Carotid artery disease � Peripheral vascular disease
� Blood-thinning medication ( s ) � Other disease : polycystic kidney disease , Marfan syndrome
� Uncontrolled high blood pressure � Uncontrolled diabetes � Uncontrolled sleep apnea � Inactivity
� Sudden severe headache ; the worst headache of your life
� Sudden vision changes , such as blurred or double vision
� Pain above or behind the eye
� Sudden numbness or weakness of the face , arm or leg ( especially on one side of the body )
� Sudden confusion , trouble speaking or understanding speech

Risk factors I can control :

� Smoking � Alcohol overuse � Drug use � Obesity

My warning signs and symptoms of rupture or re-bleeding include :

� Sudden trouble walking or dizziness � Seizure � Loss of consciousness � Nausea / vomiting � Stiff neck � Sensitivity to light � Drooping eyelid