Patient Education Hemorrhagic Stroke: Understanding and Recovering | Page 15

With these conditions , a blood clot could travel from the heart to the brain and cause a stroke . If you have any of these :
� See your doctor regularly . � Follow your doctor ’ s instructions closely .

Prior TIA or Stroke

Having a TIA is a warning sign that you are at high risk for a stroke . About one-third of people who experience a TIA go on to have a stroke within a year . If you have had a stroke in the past , you are at higher risk for having another stroke . Find out what other risk factors you have and how to make changes to decrease your risk .

Alcohol Use

If you drink alcohol , limit it to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men . One drink is 12 ounces of beer , 5 ounces of wine , or 1½ ounces of liquor . If you have trouble limiting your alcohol use , talk to your doctor , your nurse , or a social worker .

Drug Use

Using drugs such as cocaine can also cause a stroke . If you use drugs , talk to your doctor , your nurse , or a social worker . They can refer you to a substance-abuse treatment program .
If you are overweight :
� Talk with your doctor or a dietitian about an eating plan to lose weight .
� Set goals and record your progress . � Ask a friend or family member for support .
� Be as active as you can be within your doctor ’ s guidelines .
Resources :
� Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 800-877-1600 eatright . org
� Cooking Light cookinglight . com

Being Inactive

Being inactive makes it harder for you to control your weight . Even if your weight is in the normal range for your height , a lack of regular activity is a risk factor for high blood pressure , high cholesterol , and diabetes .
If you have been inactive :
� Consult your doctor about your activity level .
� Find activities you enjoy . � Set an exercise routine that you can keep .

Being Overweight ( BMI 25 or Above )

Body Mass Index ( BMI ) is a more accurate measure than weight alone because it is based on your height and weight . If it is 25 or above , you are at an increased risk for high blood pressure , high cholesterol , and diabetes , all of which can lead to stroke and heart disease .