Patient Education Hemorrhagic Stroke: Understanding and Recovering | Page 12

Medications That Contain Aspirin

Medications That Contain Aspirin

Do not take any medications that contain aspirin . Make sure to carefully read labels since many medications contain aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid ). These can be prescription or over-the-counter and can be used to treat arthritis , colds , and pain . Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you have questions .
Listed below are some of the medications and products that contain aspirin :
� Alka-Seltzer ® Original � Alka-Seltzer Plus ® Cold � Alka-Seltzer ® Extra Strength � Anacin ® caplets and tablets � Arthritis Strength BC ® Powder � Ascriptin ® � Aspergum ® � Bayer ® Aspirin products
� Bayer ® Chewable Low Dose Aspirin ( children ’ s aspirin )
� BC ® Powder � Bufferin ® products � Canasa ® suppositories
� Doan ’ s ® Extra Strength � Ecotrin ® products � Equagesic ® � Equaline ® � Excedrin ® products � Fiorinal ® capsules and tablets � Fiorinal ® with Codeine � Goody ’ s ® Powders � GoodSense ® products � Halfprin ® products � Kaopectate ® � Momentum ® � Norgesic ® � Norwich ® Aspirin products � Pepto-Bismol ® � Percodan ® � St . Joseph ® Aspirin � Stanback ® Powder � Synalgos ® -DC � Tri-buffered aspirin products � Vanquish ® analgesic caplets