Patient Education Hemorrhagic Stroke: Understanding and Recovering | Page 10

Diagnosing and Treating

Computed Tomography ( CT ) Scan

If you have symptoms of a stroke , a CT scan will be done right away . If there is bleeding , this can be seen on a CT scan . It is important to determine the type of stroke in order to get the proper treatment .
Treatment options include medical management , clipping , coiling , and evacuation .

Medical Management

Different types of medications may be used depending on the type of hemorrhagic stroke . Some medications are only used in the hospital , while others may have to be continued after you are discharged from the hospital . The following is a list of medications that may be used :
Blood pressure medications : Medications are often used to lower your blood pressure to a safe level to prevent further bleeding . You may be on blood pressure medication after you are discharged from the hospital .
Blood products : Blood products ( such as fresh frozen plasma and platelets ) may be given if you have been on blood-thinning medication . These will help return your bleeding time to a safe level to prevent further bleeding .
Mannitol : Mannitol is a specialized medication that helps reduce brain swelling .
Nimodipine : Nimodipine helps relax the blood vessels in the brain to reduce vasospasm . Vasospasm can occur in subarachnoid hemorrhages and will cause surrounding brain cells to die .
Anti-seizure medication : Anti-seizure medications are used if you have a seizure as a result of your hemorrhagic stroke . These medications will reduce the chance of having another seizure . You may be on anti-seizure medication after you are discharged from the hospital .
Sedation medication : Sedation medications are often given so you can tolerate certain treatments needed for your care , such as being on a breathing machine ( ventilator ).

Surgical Treatments

Clipping : A surgical treatment for brain aneurysms where the neurosurgeon places a clip across the neck of an aneurysm . This will block the flow of blood into the aneurysm and keep it from getting larger .