Surgery Day
When you arrive at the hospital, go to Patient Registration. You will need to have
your driver’s license or a photo ID and insurance cards. You will receive a “FIND
Code.” This is a six-digit number that is unique to your admission. When family or
friends call to get information about you, only those with this code will be given
specific information. You decide who receives this code. Without the FIND Code,
only your status — such as critical, serious, or stable — will be shared. All patients
in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) area are listed as critical. This does not mean the
patient is not progressing as planned.
Pre-operative Area
After registration is completed, you will be taken to the pre-operative area. You
will change into a hospital gown and your nurse will check your blood pressure
and temperature. You will be asked to use a special mouth rinse that will help
decrease the risk of developing pneumonia. A family member can be with you
during this time.
Your surgeon, anesthesiologist, and operating room nurse will talk with you in
pre-op. After speaking with the anesthesiologist, you will receive medicine to
make you sleepy.
Surgery usually lasts
about 3 to 4 hours.
Your family may wait
in the surgery waiting
room. The surgeon will
talk with your family
after your surgery is