Patient Education Cancer of the Pancreas: A Care Guide | Page 9

Genetics Staging information can seem very confusing, but your doctor and nurse navigator will help you understand your staging once your surgery and pathology are complete. This will help with planning for future treatment options. Genetic counseling and testing is a service available through our Genetic Counseling Program. Based on your diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, you may want to discuss the chance your cancer could be hereditary as well as your family’s cancer risk with Licensed Cancer Genetic Counselor (LGC). These personal and family history features make it more likely that a discussion with an LGC would be helpful: • You are Ashkenazi Jewish. • You have had pancreatic cancer as well as another cancer such as breast, ovarian, endometrial, melanoma, thyroid, sarcoma, colorectal, small bowel, gastric, or kidney. • Your family history includes any first-degree relative (parent, sibling, child) diagnosed with: — Breast, colon, or endometrial cancer before the age of 50 — Male breast cancer — Ovarian cancer — Any known genetic mutation • You have two or more relatives with any combination of these cancers: breast, ovarian, prostate, pancreatic, male breast, melanoma, uterine, thyroid, sarcoma, colorectal, small bowel, gastric, or kidney. Please feel free to call our Mount Carmel Genetic Counseling Program with any questions or for more information: 614-234-6848. Other Factors Other factors are also important in determining prognosis (outlook). The grade of the cancer — how abnormal the cells look under the microscope — is sometimes noted to be low, intermediate, or high grade. For patients who have surgery, another important factor is the extent of the resection — whether or not the entire tumor is removed. This is sometimes listed on a scale from 0 to 2. • R0 – where all visible and microscopic tumor tissue was removed. • R1 – when microscopic cancer cells are present at the resection margins. • R2 – where some visible tumor could not be removed. 8