Patient Education Cancer of the Pancreas: A Care Guide | Page 40

• Foods high in sugar ( including fruit juices ) may cause dumping syndrome . Avoid foods with more than 12 grams of sugar per serving .
• Foods sweetened with sugar alcohols , which include sorbitol , mannitol , and xylitol . These are often found in sugar-free gum , sugar-free candy , and other sugarfree foods .
To Help Manage Diarrhea
• Drink plenty of fluids . Aim to drink 6 to 12 cups of fluids daily . Avoid liquids that contain caffeine , sugar , and carbonation .
• Plan to eat 6 to 8 small meals daily .
• Choose : — Low-fat foods .
— Foods that contain soluble fiber such as oats .
— Foods with pectin such as applesauce and bananas .
— Warm broth , saltines , pretzels , baked potato chips , and lowsugar sports drinks to help replace lost sodium .
— Diluted fruit juices , low-sugar sports beverages , potatoes , and bananas to help replace lost potassium .
• If you develop lactose intolerance , choose soy products or Lactaid ® products . Lactaid ® Fast Act tablets can be taken with dairy products . Almond , coconut , and other plant milks can be used but are very low in protein .
Delayed Gastric Emptying
Delayed gastric emptying is when the stomach empties too slowly after eating . Symptoms include nausea , vomiting of food that has not been digested , fullness , and abdominal pain .
Guidelines :
• Eat small , frequent meals .
• Chew your food well .
• Make sure you are eating lowfat , low-fiber foods from the First Foods list .
• Take a walk after eating to help food move through your system .

Progressing to a Regular Diet

After you have recovered and your doctor has recommended a regular diet , you should be able to slowly add your usual foods back into your diet .
• Add new foods back to your diet one at a time to make sure your body tolerates and can digest these foods correctly .
• If you have discomfort or any new symptoms , use a food diary to keep track of the foods you are eating and drinking . Be sure to record the types of foods and drinks , how much , and any symptoms you are having . Bring your food diary to your doctor appointments . Your doctor , nurse , and dietitian will be able to help identify foods and drinks that may be causing any symptoms .