Patient Education Cancer of the Pancreas: A Care Guide | Page 22

Irrigating a Biliary Tube

Irrigating a Biliary Tube

The tube you have in your side may need to be irrigated to keep it open so it will drain . Irrigate the tube once a day or as ordered by your doctor .
Equipment You Will Need
• Alcohol swabs
• 10-cc syringe
• 10- to 20-cc sterile saline or 10-cc prefilled saline syringes
• 19-gauge needle if not using prefilled syringes
• Gauze pads
Follow These Steps
1 . Wash your work surface with soap and water .
2 . Wash your hands well with soap and warm water . ( If you have prefilled syringes , go on to step # 8 .)
3 . Remove the cap from the sterile saline . Wipe the top of the bottle with an alcohol swab .
4 . Attach the needle to the 10-cc syringe . Pull the plunger back to the 10-cc mark .
5 . Insert the needle into the bottle of sterile saline . Inject air into the bottle .
6 . Tilt the bottle upside down and pull back the syringe plunger . Saline will flow into the syringe . Fill the syringe to the 10-cc mark , and then tap it lightly with your fingers to push any air to the top . Push any air from the syringe back into the bottle . Repeat the process until it is at the 10-cc mark .
7 . Re-cap the needle on the syringe and set the syringe aside .
8 . Open a package of gauze , being careful not to touch the gauze .
9 . Taking care not to touch the ends of the tube , disconnect the connecting tube from the catheter .
10 . Wrap the end of the connecting tube in the gauze .
11 . Remove the needle from the syringe of sterile saline . Insert the syringe into the end of the catheter .
12 . Inject the saline into the tube in a steady motion .
13 . Remove the syringe from the catheter .
14 . Clean the end of the connecting tube with an alcohol swab and reconnect the tube to the catheter . Fluid should drain through the tube into the collecting bag .
Call Interventional Radiology ( see telephone numbers on page 20 ) if :
• There is no drainage from the tube for 12 hours .
• Drainage is showing around the tube .
• You cannot push in the saline or you meet resistance when irrigating the tube ( first check that the catheter is in the “ on ” position ).
• You have any questions about the tube or about irrigating the tube .