Patient Education Cancer of the Pancreas: A Care Guide | Page 17

At Home Discharge from the Hospital Pancreatic Enzymes Since you have had or may be having surgery on your pancreas, it is important to understand how the pancreas works to help in the digestion of food. Your pancreas creates about 8 cups of pancreatic juice a day, and this juice contains pancreatic enzymes. These are released into the small intestine and stomach to help neutralize stomach acid, which helps your body break down food. When your pancreas is not working at its best, you may have a feeling of fullness, indigestion, cramping, gas, pain, diarrhea, and weight loss. Replacing the lost enzymes helps manage these side effects. Taking pancreatic enzymes may not relieve all of these symptoms but may make them tolerable. There are many types of pancreatic enzymes on the market. They change often, so you may have to check with your pharmacy to see which one is available to you. The most common enzymes prescribed are Creon ® , Pancreaze ® , and Zenpep ® capsules. Your doctor will prescribe the dose that you should start taking. You, your doctor, and your dietitian may have to adjust the dose many times before you find the right amount of enzyme to help with your symptoms. Please follow your doctor’s advice for use. Your healthcare team — made up of your surgeon, nurse, social worker, dietitian, and physical therapist — along with you and your family will discuss what is best for your needs at the time of discharge. While some patients are able to go home directly, often with home care services, others may need a stay in long-term or rehab care. What to Expect after Going Home Your care after going home will involve many things. You will be taking new medications, caring for your drains and incision, and doing tube feedings. After you are able to eat, you will need to take care with your diet. You and your family will be taught about your care before you leave the hospital. Because there is a lot to learn, you should refer to this guide as often as needed. 16