Patient Education Cancer of the Pancreas: A Care Guide | Page 11

Clinical Research Trials

Due to the limited resources and treatments available for pancreatic cancer , your doctor may talk to you about a clinical trial that is right for you and your situation .
Clinical trials are research studies . They look at new treatments or changes in current treatments . All of the cancer treatments that we use today are the result of clinical trials .
Many Mount Carmel doctors are licensed as researchers with the National Cancer Institute ( NCI ). They take part in nationally sponsored cancer treatment clinical trials .
A local review board called an IRB ( institutional review board ) approves each clinical trial . The board is made up of doctors , nurses , and people from the community . It is the IRB ’ s job to review clinical trials and to make sure they are run safely and fairly .
Men and women of all ages and backgrounds may take part in clinical trials . Each trial has rules about who can and cannot participate . If you are considering a clinical trial , your doctor will ask a research nurse to evaluate if you are a candidate .
At that time you will be able to read a consent form that explains how the entire clinical trial will go and what is expected of you . You will have the chance to ask questions and decide if this is right for you .
You always have the option to remove yourself from a clinical trial at any time and explore other treatment options .


Your Mount Carmel care team is here to help you throughout your care . You or your family may also find these websites helpful :
• American Cancer Society : cancer . org
• National Cancer Institute : cancer . gov
• Pancreatic Cancer Action Network : pancan . org