Pathways to Successful Reentry GDC Journal_Apr2023 | Page 8



In 2018 , Metro State Prison was repurposed to support the third phase of Governor Deal ’ s Criminal Justice reform platform . The facility was re-named as Metro Reentry Facility ( RF ) and currently houses approximately 330 offenders preparing to reenter society . The facility ’ s goal is to provide a secure environment , in collaboration with the community , that will offer essential services to returning citizens nearing release into the nine Metropolitan Atlanta counties .
The hardworking staff at Metro RF always go above and beyond for the needs of their returning citizens . Upon intake , returning citizens are welcomed with open arms and the opportunity to start with a fresh slate . The staff work hard to remind them that they are here to build relationships with them and their families to help them become the most successful version of themselves .
Every staff member within the facility has extensive training , such as evidence-based Risk Reduction Services programs , Mental Health , the New Freedom curriculum , and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People . This training allows them to relate to and understand returning citizens as they learn to become productive members of society .