Pathways Issue 4: COVID-19 and Seniors' Health | Page 11
Staying happy while staying home THE PROVINCE Removing seniors from care homes is not the solution to COVID-19 fears GLOBE AND MAIL Dr. Roger Wong, UBC clinical professor of geriatric medicine, says removing seniors from care homes could negatively affect their health and the health of others. READ ARTICLE Now — more than ever — Canadians need a blueprint for their daily routines. Professor Dr. Catherine Backman and associate professor Dr. Skye Barbic in UBC’s department of occupational science and occupational therapy offer four practices to help maintain function, health and well-being while staying at home. 1. Establish a daily and weekly routine 2. Keep moving 3. Explore new occupations (e.g., learn a new language, garden) 4. Track your outcomes RE AD ARTICLE Helping seniors stay active and connected amid COVID-19 GLOBAL NEWS Dr. Joanie Sims-Gould, UBC associate professor of family practice, offers some tips on how older people can stay connected and active at home. WATCH VIDEO How can we reduce COVID-19 anxiety? UBC FACULTY OF MEDICINE The rapid spread of COVID-19 has impacted the global psyche in a way not seen in generations. Dr. Richard Lester, UBC associate professor of infectious diseases, and Dr. Steven Taylor, UBC professor of psychiatry, answer questions and offer suggestions on how to address anxiety during the outbreak. WATCH WEBINAR