Patagonia Corporate Workbook Corporate Workbook | Page 3

It all adds up. Patagonia’s environmental numbers $6.6 MILLION $61 MILLION 770 $98,185.11 $20 MILLION & CHANGE Donated this fiscal year to directly fund environmental work And in-kind services donated since our tithing program began in 1985 Number of environmental groups who’ve received grants this year Amount given to nonprofits this year through our Employee Charity Match program Amount we’ve allocated to invest in environmentally and socially responsible companies 100% Of Patagonia products we take back for recycling 100% Traceable Down used (never live-plucked, never force-fed) 1996 The year we switched exclusively to organically grown cotton 7162 Volunteer hours worked this year through our internship program 15 MILLION $100 MILLION Acres of degraded grassland we’re helping to restore in the Patagonia region of South America Total our 1% for the Planet® program has donated to nonprofit environmental groups since 2002