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Thickener 101 – applying theory to reality

Todd Wisdom , Geoff Seale , David Romo and Rachel Jansen from Paterson & Cooke discuss the basics of thickening science and test work
Paterson & Cooke will hold its new ' Filtered , Paste and Thickened Tailings ' course , being delivered in partnership with TCS - Tailings Consultants Scandinavia AB at Lulea University , in Sweden , 29 Nov to 2 Dec 2022

Thickening remains relatively misunderstood since it is typically near the end of the process and not directly involved in metal recovery . When operating well , thickeners are ignored and left to run independently , the ‘ out of sight , out of mind ’ phenomena .

However , when operating poorly , there is a lack of basic understanding and remedial actions to solve issues are reactionary rather than proactively addressing shortcomings . This paper aims to give some appreciation and understanding of the science behind thickeners , and key thickener components , and basic troubleshooting skills .
It starts with identifying the different approaches to thickener test work including static and dynamic settling tests followed by high-rate versus paste thickening . Complimentary to test work , the mechanisms surrounding coagulation and flocculation are presented and explained . The basic mechanisms for coagulation and flocculation are discussed to support the different test work approaches and provide the reader with the basic background . Typical static cylinder tests , which are not discussed further here , investigate the impact of chemically treating the feed to the thickener , typically a flocculant and / or a coagulant , to establish the dosage , and the feed solids concentration for efficient settling . Refining and optimising the flocculant dosage is typically determined in dynamic thickener test work .
Dynamic Thickener Test Work
High-Rate Thickener Test Work Although dynamic test procedures vary in the industry , generally the laboratory scale thickener equipment consists of the following :
n A continuously mixed vessel containing the
optimally diluted feed solids concentration determined during static cylinder settling tests . n A metered peristaltic feed pump drawing material from the mixed feed container . n A metered peristaltic reagent pump introducing the predetermined flocculant and / or coagulant into the feed line . n A bench scale thickener where the flocculated feed slurry is introduced typically into a mini feedwell to promote mixing and allowing the slurry to flocculate and the feed energy to dissipate . n Flocculated solids settling to the underflow withdrawal cone and supernatant liquor reporting to the overflow . n A metered peristaltic pump extracting underflow material from the bottom of the bench scale thickener . Two different approaches to dynamic thickener test work exist , continuous or semicontinuous . Continuous test work begins with a thickener test unit empty except for supernatant liquor which is then followed by the introduction of the flocculant and slurry . The settled solids build to a certain bed height over time at which point the underflow pump is turned on at a certain withdrawal rate to maintain a specific
bed height . As the parameters are adjusted such as flocculant dosage or feed rate throughout the test campaign , the underflow and overflow solids concentrations are monitored . Continuous thickener tests are typically conducted on larger or pilot test units as it attempts to replicate the same procedure a full-scale thickener would experience . Semi-continuous thickener test work begins the same way with the unit filled with supernatant liquor , followed by the introduction of the flocculated slurry , and the settled solids are allowed to build to a certain height . However , once it has reached the predetermined height , the feed slurry is stopped , and the underflow and overflow samples are taken to determine the solids concentrations . The underflow pump is turned on and the test unit is emptied and prepared to begin a separate test with different test parameters . This method is typically performed on smaller units with a limited amount of sample as it creates distinct tests for each set of test parameters with no chance of cross contamination from previous tests .
Again , there may be a few differences across the industry which include the dimensions of the bench scale thickener , solids bed height operation , location of flocculant / coagulant
Thickener Diameter
Solids Feed Tonnage
Solids Loading Rate
Unit Area Loading
( m )
( t / h )
( SLR )
( UAL )
(( t / h )/ m )
( m / t / d )
Table 1 : Solids loading rate and unit area loading comparison
P12 International Mining SUPPLEMENT | JULY 2022