Past simple for kids to 10-12 years old. | Page 9

Lorem ipsum

Folor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris eu tincidunt risus. Vestibulum ut magna scelerisque, lobortis dolor vel, tempor mauris. Cras nulla magna, laoreet ac commodo sed, suscipit aliquam lacus. Phasellus consectetur molestie sem, eget euismod nunc sollicitudin et. Fusce malesuada mattis purus, ultrices gravida nisl blandit pretium.

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1. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentences.

Paola (play)___________ the piano yesterday.

a. Plays.

b. Played.

Sebastian (go) ________ at the work last.

a. Week.

b. Went.


The phone (be) _________ at the table an hour ago.



Carol (be born) _________ in the year 2000.

a.Is born

b.Was born

David (understand) __________ the class in the morning.

