Passion8 Magazine September 2013 | Page 50

1 Recently, I took it upon myself to start learning a new coding language. As a graphic designer, I feel I’m more artistic than technically minded. This can make the proess a little challenging, however this doesn’t stop me – so do n’t not let it stop you either! If you need some motivation, here are my five tips to help you learn a coding language, or any language for that matter. Set goals for yourself. This seems like a no brainer, but you would be amazed how many people skip this step. By setting goals, you have a way to measure your progress; just be sure to be realistic in your objectives. There is no point in setting a goal like, “I’m going to learn JavaScript in a week”, if there is no way for you to attain it (unless you’re Einstein, that is). For the normal folk like myself, I aim to set goals that entail practicing at least once a day, or learning at least one new concept each week. Keep it up. Goals help you to begin your journey, but in order to continue to make progress it is essential to keep it up! We’ve We have all heard the saying, “practice makes perfect,” and we all know how true it is. Obviously there can be exceptions, but if you can keep up with the language, you’ll you will be a pro in no time. You will also gain some experience points in will power! Ask for help. Having trouble determining why your code is breaking? Or having trouble with a certain concept? Don’t panic, chances are you’re not the first one! Don’t be scared (or in my case, too stubborn) to ask for help. Sometimes you just need to get an outside perspective, or have someone explain the concept differently. If you don’t havte anyone to ask because you’re the only one on this awesome language-learning path of success, there are tons of forums and resources out there to help you (we love you, Google). Use multiple avenues to learn. By now, chances are that you’ve found the way you learn best. Some people are auditory learners, some visual, some kinesthetic; use that avenue and use it to your advantage. At the same time though, don’t only focus on just one skill – if you only read, you’ll never be able to write! Make it fun. This is my favourite tip, and the one that works best for me. Have FUN learning! If you’re bored or miserable while you do it, you will have a difficult time remembering despite all the hard work and time you’ve already invested. Consider making a game out of it. For coding, websites like Codecademy are a fantastic resource in that you not only earn fun badges, but there’s also a built-in forum feature to ask questions and connect with others who are in the same boat as you. For learning a language, there are websites like Duolingo with the same idea and multiple exercises. These allow you to not only practice reading and writing, but also listening and speaking as well! Plus you’ll laugh at yourself while you talk to your computer in German, Spanish, etc. The male dress code for most schools includes covered midriffs and shorts or pants. The dress code for girls at most schools include shorts that are to the knees and not above, only long skirts or skirts with shorts underneath, no tank tops or strapless tops and definitely no crop tops or bra straps showing. Girls are told they should show minimal amounts of skin and should keep their outfits as conservative as possible. Why are these rules in place? SO that the youth of tomorrow can learn how not to be a SLUT. What is a slut? Ask any man on the street and they will say it is someone who is easy, or a female who gets too much male attention or has no self respect. Even worse, apparently they can be detected through something as simple as a tank top. My definition of a slut is a little different. A slut is someone who is proud of their body and doesn’t feel the need to hide it, someone who is confident and proud of their figure. See the difference? So why don’t we want girls in grade school or high school to be sluts? With the declining confidence rate and the increase in depression in young girls, schools put so much emphasis on loving your bodies and being comfortable in your skin. Hypocritically, they also want girls to know that if they show too much skin or wear tight clothing they are not respecting themselves and are giving men the wrong message. Wearing a tight shirt to emphasize your waist is saying “I am willing to sleep with anyone” rather than saying “I like the way I am built and am proud of it”, and wearing those shorts no longer says “I work out and want to show off my toned legs” and now says “I am forfeiting the need for guys to obtain my consent to touch my body, because I am a slut”. I don’t think that all girls should be walking aroun ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????%?????????????????????????????????????????????????????]????$??????????????$??????????????????$???????????????????????????????????????????????????$????????????????????????????????????$???????????????????????????????$??????????????????????$????????????????????????Q????????????????]???$?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????%????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????e?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????%?e???????????????M?????q???????????????????????t????q??????????????????Êt??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????5???????????????????????????????????????e????????????????????????????%??????????????????????????QX????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????e????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????e?()M???M???????1?????I???((??((??()M????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????9\??]?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????%??????????????????e????????????e?????1?????????????????e???????????????????????????????????????????????1??????????????????????????????????????????????????????(??1??????????()?????????1?????I?????()A?????1??????????Y?????E???????????e???????????????????????%?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????()AMM%=8??5i%9???MAQ5 H?????((??((