do things that scare you and in return you will impress yourself, perhaps surprise yourself. The key is to never worry or become anxious Focus on the NOW and what makes you smile. Where are you when you’re at your happiest? What things drive your heart to them? What inspires you? Go there, be there. Invest yourself in yourself and where you belong in the world that is the most rewarding and crucial part of the entire process. It’s scary but it’s something most of us go through. Do whatever works for you. For me, I had to go somewhere I’ve never been, alone, and discover have to involve physically leaving your hometown. It could simply be engaging in activities you’ve never done and setting goals. Test yourself. Test out the waters and when opportunities arise, take them. Take those chances; take those risks because sometimes the outcome is unimaginable. I’m now in Squamish, British Columbia and I’ve never felt happier. My thoughts have changed. My goals have changed and I’m focusing on where my passions lie and what makes me happiest. Search inside yourself and write it down. Talk to strangers and hang out by yourself. Float along with your thoughts and let them run wild. Approach people and ask about their lives. Listen to music and become inspired. Be optimistic but also be realistic. Most importantly, stay connected to those you care about. They are your rocks and when you need to, you can lean on them and they will always provide support.
By Nadia Rukavina
Photography by Craig Jenzen (
Lost. By definition it means “unable to fine one’s way” or “unable to be found.” The majority of people I’ve come across in my life thus far have used this word to describe how they feel about who they are, where they’re going or what they want to do. I, myself, am currently “lost.” This can be thought of as something negative but when you put things into perspective, it’s quite the opposite. Not knowing your passion or where you’re going or what you’re doing with your life opens up several doors of opportunity. In my case, I felt the best method was to simply get away. Get away from my familiar everyday life and step outside my comfort zone. I flew out west to work on my own, not knowing anybody in Lake Louise, Alberta. I didn’t find what I was looking for and in fact, I felt out of place in the small boundaries of the place. I then couch surfed with a stranger for a week in Banff and it was the most incredible experience I’ve ever had. I’ve learned a lot about myself because I was put in a position where I had nobody to turn to, nobody to hang out with; I had to find my own way and make the most out of the situation. I wasn’t ready to go home. When you’re lost, you’re limits are teste