Passion Press Magazaine September 2013 | Page 3

Your Quest Begins Now Start here: There’s only one person on this planet that can ?nd your passion - and that’s you. Use these questions as a guide to help you dig deep and uncover the passion you’ve already got inside.  These are the questions that can help you determine your quality of life from this day forward.   So take your time.   Turn off your phone.  Turn off your e-mail.  Turn off any distractions whatsoever.  Now go somewhere quiet and dedicate as long as you need to complete these questions.  Really sit down and re?ect. For some people it will take 2 hours, and for others it will take 4.  Part of living with passion is to ?nd joy in as many things as you can, so enjoy this process and have fun with it! As with everything in life, you get what you put in, so why not put your whole heart into it?  Go crush it! 1. 2. 3. 4. What would you do if you knew you could not fail? What topic or subject are you the go-to person for? What gives you happiness and excitement in your life?   When was the last time you were in a state of ?ow, during which you lost track of time, and you just couldn’t stop doing something?  What was it that you were doing? 5. 6. What’s your favorite section in the bookstore? What are your favorite magazines, or publications?  What’s the common theme amongst them? 2