The Training Scale
These are the six building blocks of the German Training Scale. The German words in brackets have a more
encompassing meaning than their vague English counterparts. They are interdependant and interwoven each
stage should be achieved before moving on to the next.
They are not, however, a checklist of success. The lower
rungs should always be revisited to check that progress
is genuine and that the horse is fulfilling all the preceding requirements.
Because Balance and Flexion are inextricably linked in
dressage some believe these should be included in the
Training Scale. Balance is connected to Rhythm and
Straightness and without straightness there is no Relaxation, the horse cannot come into self carriage through
accepting the bit evenly -on a Contact- neither can
there be any true Impulsion unless the horse moves in a
relaxed, straight manner.
Flexion is entwined with Straightness as you can’t
The elements can be further subdivided into three other straighten a horse if you can’t bend him. If, during your
ride you think to work on the elements of rhythm, balance and straightness, you should find yourself achievRelaxation, Rhythm and Contact are part of the “famil- ing relaxation, impulsion and collection as a matter of
iarisation phase” when a horse is encouraged to redis- course.
cover his natural balance when carrying a rider. He is
encouraged to relax, to find his natural rhythm and to Looking in more detail at the elements; the following
is taken from “The Principles of Riding”, which is part
seek an elastic connection to the rider via the rein
of the “Official Instruction Handbook of the German
The second phase is the development of the thrust from National Equestrian Federation”.
the hindquarters an takes in impulsion and straightness.
Relaxation (Losgelassenheit)
The third phase develops the carrying power of the hind Looseness is a prerequisite for all further training and,
along with rhythm, is and essential aim of the prelimilegs; collection.
nary training phase. Even if the rhythm is maintained,