Instilling High Expectations
@headguruteacher wrote about 10 things that make 'great lessons.' One of these was 'rigour.' Read anything written recently about education, and it's likely that rigour will feature. Part of this, is having high expectations of your students.
This includes not judging students by their profile. Don't assume that because they have a minimum target grade of PPP. this is all they can achieve. It is clear by spending time with students that if they are pushed, stretched and challenged enough; they are capable of far more than might be suggested.
* Set aspirational targets rather than minimum grades.
*Expect nothing less than the best from classwork/ homework
- Return work if the presentation or content shows lack of effort
*Actively enforce all expectations around conduct in College
*Challenge students at all times to do better! NEVER GIVE UP!
Challenge homework relentlessly. They'll soongive in, start completing it, and recognising the value of it. @MissKMcD made these homework slips for students to complete:
Let students shine as this gives others permission to do the same!
They could be kept to remind students of errors made. They could be printed in different colours for each learner so that you could easily see repeat offenders.
Asking students to justify their actions creates a higher sense of their responsibilities.