Pass It On October 2013, Issue 2 | Page 2

What is Assessment?

Assessment can take many forms; both formal and informal. It is ultimately the only way in which you can be certain that students are learning the necessary knowledge and skills. Yes, you know you've taught them, but how will you be able to know that they've learnt anything? This magazine will explore methods of assessment and practical strategies you can easily apply. There are four key types of assessment: initial, diagnostic, formative and summative. Within this, there are self, peer and teacher assessments.

Assessment is vital for teachers to be able to effectively plan lessons and move their students' learning forward. After all,

“If you don’t know where you are headed, you’ll probably end up someplace else.” -Douglas J. Eder, Ph.D

This video explores the importance of transforming assessment to suit our learners' needs.

This site offers a clear explanation of the types of assessment.

This research paper explores the need for effective assessment.