Pass It On March 2014, Issue 7 | Page 3

Business Support

How can we as Business Support help students to be stretched and challenged? Is it just through the simple act of encouraging students to have good time keeping and attendance or are there other ways that you help students to be stretched and challenged that you can share on the Pass it on 14 padlet wall this month?

As Business Support, do we set ourselves new challenges? Arina Nikitina, author of 4WD System, How to take Consistent Action, writes in her blog, ‘A challenge by definition is a little bit above and beyond what you can do right now’ and that there are five steps towards taking on a challenge:

1. Have a desire for change

2. Believe you can change

3. Find a destination

4. Get a plan

Your plan needs to start where you are, end where you want to be, and fill in the middle with steps leading to achievable improvement. This means the steps need to be close enough together that you can get to each one from the one before- like stepping stones across a river- if they’re too far apart, you will get wet!

5.Implement, Implement, Implement

“You should always try anything that makes

you uncomfortable and nothing that makes

you uneasy” Catherine Caine

Do you feel challenged to lead a session for

Business Support – Pass it on? Can you take

this small step to share your knowledge

with other staff, to stretch and challenge

yourself as well as helping others to face new challenges? Contact Liz Lang, [email protected] with your ideas.