Pass It On January 2014, Issue 5 | Page 28

TED talks contains over 1500 videos. The videos feature a diverse range of speakers talking about a whole variety of different subjects. This could be used to further enrich a topic you are delivering, with students watching a video as part of homework and then doing a follow up activity in a future lesson. Getting a guest speaker in is a great way to enrich your delivery, as well as helping student to understand the wider context of your subject. However this is not always practical, as it is not always convenient for them to come in. With hangouts you can connect people from around the world via a video chat, making it easier for them to get involved. Mentormob allows you to create subject related playlists that let you bring together a range of online resources including YouTube videos, Google Docs, Presentations, PDFs. You can also create and add a quiz. This app gives you a neat method of combining and publishing a raft of additional materials to further enrich your delivery. The old adage two heads are better than one, may be cliché, but when it comes enriching your delivery, don't feel you have to do all the work yourself. A Google + community is great way to allow your students to continue the discussions beyond the classroom. Once set-up, it is easy for the students to contribute related links, documents and videos as a further way of enriching their learning. Not so sure about using Google communities? Then discussion forums within Moodle can be used in a similar way. You could post a theme for discussion and students would be able to contribute posts to further the discussion. Competition can be great way to motivate your group, with students wanting to out-do their peers. Whether it’s the most posts made to your Google Community or the most useful resource shared. Their wider contribution can be rewarded by a badge. Credly is a simple to use site that allows you to create badges by, choosing a badge shape, adding text, choosing an icon and customising the colour and then emailing it to the lucky recipient. Upcoming Pass It On sessions this term will cover a number of these themes.