Feb 2013 saw #blogsync tackle the topic of motivation in the classroom. Here are all of the posts gathered together for your perusal.
We're looking to start something similar within the College. If you're interested in getting involved with writing about classroom experiences, please get in touch at [email protected]
Although the Pass It On team have many activities planned for this term, we need fresh ideas and pairs of hands to get involved in making them a reality. If you have any great ideas about activities or ways of engaging staff with Pass It On, then we'd love to hear them! Come along to our drop-in on Fridays between 1.30 and 2.30pm in B100 or send me an email at [email protected].uk Even if you just have an idea but don't have the time to get involved, we still want to hear from you!
Big events that we're already seeking to run
this term:
- Open Classrooms Week (Part 2)
- TeachMeets (it's great to have guest speakers at these)
- An Education Conference (we need lots of great teachers to deliver)
- Pass It On for Students
- Great Education Debates (perhaps get external colleagues in too?)
If you have any links that could help us to run the external events, or any ideas that could further them, please offer them ton us.
Pass It On has always been an organic way of interacting with CPD that changes and develops constantly.The more great minds that we can involve, the better it will be as more needs will be catered for.