Pass It On January 2014, Issue 5 | Page 24

Learning Companies

“There is a need to ensure the College’s enterprise and employability agenda through real learning activities, receives determined and concentrated effort in the launching of real businesses known as Learning Companies. To achieve this will require a different skill set and possible curriculum structure to those currently available within the college.”

The forthcoming changes in student funding through the introduction of the Study Programme, combined with an expectation of employers having greater influence in what training is delivered, by whom and how, means we need to move further and faster to engage our students in real life work activities. The concept of Learning Companies has been developed by other Gazelle Colleges as a way of solving many of the forthcoming issues, but it is clear there are many possible variations.

Reading College is proceeding with our plans to set up learning companies within curriculum areas or by partnering curriculum with internal business support functions and external partners. Through working in learning companies, students will access greater opportunities to practice and perfect skills and apply knowledge to real life situations. Students will work in learning companies as part of their weekly learning experience and will provide services for the college, such as business administration or painting and decoration. They will gain valuable work experience which enhances their CV, and they'll have the chance of developing employability skills by working alongside paid employees. This model will also add valuable resources to the college and in time reduce operating costs. Some learning companies will have the potential to be commercialised and bring in additional income. At this point, students who have demonstrated full commitment to their learning and exhibit excellent employability skills will be able to apply for some paid work within companies.

Submitted by Cheryl Pennington, from the Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy for the Activate Learning Group.