Pass It On December 2013, Issue 4 | Page 13

Recall and Review

Measuring students' progress should occur throughout the lesson but a great place for a final check is within the recall and review part of the lesson.

Review Wheel

This Lesson Review Wheel was shared at one of our TeachMeets. You can access the PowerPoint here. You can scroll through a series of different ways to review the lesson. The spinning wheel brings a little drama and fun to proceedings!

Exit Tickets

These are a great way of gaining a snapshot

of students' learning as they leave the room.


Students place all the things they've learnt from the week's lessons inside the head and all the questions/ things they'd like to find out more about around the outside of the head.


Students write 3 things they've learnt, 2 questions they'd like to ask and 1 thing they've enjoyed. You can use the triangle in different ways for reviewing the lesson.