Paso Llano Magazine #10 Paso Llano Magazine #10 | Page 17

I had a dream where a mare appeared, … a mare ridden by a true artist who showed her slow, beautiful cadence, almost sensual, flowing through the arena to dazzle my sight, where others ran past her to show their horses in a “race”, knowing full well their mounts only shine at a fast speed, as if they were Ameri- can Saddlebreds in its impressive "running walk". The others, incapable of performing the same “air” of pisos as the chestnut mare, with her rider, elegantly distancing themselves from the others, and in that way he presented her,… collected, as well extended, in her synchronous paca paca. Showing she was unique, she said NO! ... and…she whispered to me: I am Peruvian! I had a dream that was worth a thousand words… 17