Pasco-Hernando State College Volume XVI, Issue 2 Fall 2022 | Page 27

Student Trustee News

The District Board of Trustees welcomed Celyse Dahdal as PHSC ’ s new student trustee at the July board meeting as she began her one-year term . Dahdal plans to pursue a bachelor ’ s degree in business administration after she completes her Associate in Arts degree at PHSC . “ I am honored to serve as a trustee and proud to represent PHSC students ,” said Dahdal . “ This is a truly exciting opportunity and a role that I take very seriously .” To learn more about PHSC ’ s new student trustee , turn to Scholarship Spotlight on page 28 .

Zachary Kleisley , appointed in 2020 as PHSC ’ s first student trustee , was recognized at the June 2022 meeting of the District Board of Trustees at the conclusion of his two-year term . “ Zach will always be recognized as PHSC ’ s first student trustee appointed to the board ,” said PHSC President Timothy L . Beard , Ph . D . The student trustee position is honorary ( non-voting ) yet respected . The trustees valued Zach ’ s feedback on policy from his student ’ s point of view and have enjoyed having him at the table . In his role as a student trustee , Zach attended a national meeting of college trustees in San Diego last Spring . He also traveled to Munich , Germany , with a coalition of local officials studying the country ’ s higher education system in the fall of 2021 . “ It was an honor and pleasure to serve on the board ,” said Kleisley , who plans to graduate from PHSC with a bachelor ’ s degree in supervision and management in May 2023 . “ Before I accepted the position , I didn ’ t really understand the College ’ s administration , and I know most students are unaware of the complexity of decisions made on their behalf ,” said Kleisley , “ My trustee position on the board provided me with valuable experience and professional connections that are much appreciated and will certainly serve me well as I begin my career after graduation .”

In Memoriam

John DiRienzo , 72 , of Spring Hill , died May 28 , 2022 . A former school principal , he was appointed to the DBOT by then Gov . Charlie Christ in 2009 and served as board chair in 2014 . DiRienzo served under the administration of President Katherine M . Johnson , Ed . D ., during pivotal times in the College ’ s history – particularly as PHSC transitioned from a community college to a state college .
Irvin Homer , 98 , of Spring Hill , a life-long educator , died June 30 , 2022 . Homer was appointed to the DBOT by then Gov . Jeb Bush in 2003 and served until 2010 . He was elected board chair in 2007 . He served in the administrations of the late Robert W . Judson , Jr ., Ed . D . and Katherine M . Johnson , Ed . D . Homer was a staunch children ’ s advocate who served on numerous community boards .
John DiRenzo , far left , and Irvin Homer , far right , celebrate commencement with fellow Trustees Judy Parker and Gary Worthley in 2010 .
Zachary Kleisley , center , was recognized with a certificate of appreciation by President Timothy Beard , Ph . D ., far left , and District Board of Trustees Chair John Mitten at the June 2022 board trustees meeting at the North Campus in Brooksville .
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