Pasco-Hernando State College Volume XVI, Issue 2 Fall 2022 | Page 2

What is the PHSC Corporate College ?

The Pasco-Hernando State College ( PHSC ) Corporate College , located at the Dr . Dennis Wilfong Center for Success , provides high-tech and high- demand training for business and industry partners in a state-of-theart complex . With robust customized training opportunities and evolving continuing education that equips , empowers and transforms , PHSC endeavors to meet workforce needs .
WHY To provide every citizen of Hernando and Pasco counties the opportunity to reach their full potential within our geographical footprint .
HOW Through a remarkable collaborative effort of individuals , nonprofits , educational institutions , hospitals and local county government , the resources for exceptional workforce development and personal growth will be provided — all at one location .
WHAT Pasco-Hernando State College will provide training and educational opportunities to meet workforce needs . Hernando and Pasco counties will become nationally known as extraordinary communities for our quality of life — based on the value of every citizen .
• Advanced Automotive Service Technology
• Aviation Airframe Mechanics
• Aviation Powerplant Mechanics
• Aviation Maintenance Administration
• Business Entrepreneurship
• Apprenticeships
• Professional Pilot Technology