Pasco-Hernando State College Volume XIV, Issue I Spring 2020 | Page 4

PASCO-HERNANDO STATE COLLEGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear PHSC Friends and Supporters, It’s spring and that means another issue of Perspective, along with another semester for our students and the welcome addition of new students starting this term. Anticipation for the many upcoming events and activities collegewide is high, and we continue to establish new and exciting opportunities for our students to enjoy throughout the spring term and beyond. Our dedicated administrators, faculty and staff work hard every day to ensure a positive and rewarding student experience, which continues to foster PHSC’s growth and success. We have several interesting initiatives on the horizon, including the continued construction of the Instructional Performing Arts Center and the anticipation of opportunities it will provide for students wishing to pursue careers in the arts. This spring, the College is pleased to introduce the Bridge to Success: The College Readiness Experience comprised of a Journey to Success course and co-curricular activities to enhance the first year of college. PHSC is additionally continuing its Gold Campaign that features students, faculty and staff showing what makes them gold. The College is also taking part in the initiative of Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Department of Education to make Florida #1 in workforce education by 2030. The College held a Workforce Stakeholders Engagement Summit at the Spring Hill Campus last fall to connect Hernando business leaders and educators. Our next workforce summit will be held at the Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch in Wesley Chapel on May 13. We are very excited about a new term and sincerely hope you enjoy this issue of Perspective that showcases our Foundation and College events, activities, and new programs. You can also read more about our highly accomplished faculty, staff and most important of all, our students. Perspective also highlights the ongoing generosity of our donors and those who support our College and our mission. At PHSC, we are passionate about higher education and our students are more precious than gold. Helping students attain their goals is the very foundation of our work. Every day, we see students achieve great success through their hard work and the support of our amazing faculty and staff. This is What Gold Looks Like! Thank you, and all the best for a prosperous 2020! Sincerely, Timothy L. Beard, Ph.D. PHSC President President Timothy L. Beard, Ph.D. PHSC District Board of Trustees Chair Alvaro Hernandez Vice Chair Marilyn Pearson-Adams Members Rao Musunuru, M.D. Robin Schneider Jeffrey Harrington, Ph.D. John Mitten Raymond Gadd Jr. David Garcia, Th.D. Lee Maggard PHSC Foundation Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair Ronald J. May Vice Chair R. Seth Mann Secretary Brian Horn Treasurer Steven D. Hickman Past Chair Greg Lenners Andrew Barnes Alvaro Hernandez Donald K. Vierling, M.D. BOARD MEMBERS James “Jimmy” Adcock Thomas E. Barnette Barbara-Jo Bell Kenneth R. Burdzinski Lynn Cristina Ronnie L. Deese Bharat Desai, M.D. Parnell Dickinson Joel H. Goldberg, D.M.D. Rogerick Green Gus Guadagnino Burton Harres, Ph.D. George “Skip” Miller Monica Mills Ashley Policastri Morris Porton Quinn Porter George Psetas Christina “Tina” Ryman Seth Weightman Gerald Williams Shonda Wilson HONORARY LIFE MEMBERS Robert A. Barnett Edward C. Blommel Marc W. Bowman The Honorable Wayne Cobb Wayne R. Coulter James H. Kimbrough Sr. Niles H. Kinnunen Jr., D.D.S. Ronald G. Thornton Richard C. Williams Jr. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Lisa Richardson, Ed.D. 2 PHSC