Pasco-Hernando State College Volume XIV, Issue I Spring 2020 | Page 30

ALUMNI PROFILE Janine Hammett Kell, RN, S.A.N.E. CLASS OF ’08, ’10, ‘13 A fter earning her Associate in Arts degree in 2008, Janine Kell began her career at the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC) of Hernando County, a local organization that responds to the needs of children who are victims of sexual and physical abuse, neglect, threatened harm, and drug endangerment. Not long after Kell started her role at CAC, the facility’s nurse resigned and they quickly learned how difficult it would be to find someone who could handle cases that were often times heart wrenching. Passionate about the organization’s mission, Kell made the difficult decision to leave her position for a year and enroll in the Licensed Practical Nursing program at PHSC in order to become a sexual assault nurse. After earning her practical nursing license, she decided to continue her education and pursue her associate’s degree in nursing, only this time she needed to work in order to pay for her schooling. Working full-time at CAC while also attending nursing school was not an easy journey. However, she persevered and completed her RN degree with a 4.0 GPA. 28 PHSC Kell currently serves as the Director of CAC where she oversees the services provided to victims including forensic and specialized interviews, social assessments, forensic medical exams, advocacy, and court accompaniment. In addition, therapy and support groups are available to child victims and caregivers. Ensuring a response that is sensitive to the child’s emotional and developmental needs, the CAC utilizes a multidisciplinary team approach that includes partners such as the Department of Children and Families (DCF), the University of Florida (UF) Child Protection Team (CPT), law enforcement, and mental health professionals. During her time as a nursing student, Kell realized the need for additional training in the area of child abuse and neglect. In response to this need, Kell has provided training sessions throughout the year to PHSC’s maternal child nursing students for the past nine years. Nursing faculty and students presented Kell with a plaque at a recent training, recognizing her many years of dedication to the College and the community. “I am thankful for the opportunities that PHSC provided to me and this is just my way of giving back,” she said.