Pasco-Hernando State College Volume XIV, Issue I Spring 2020 | Page 26

DONOR NOTES The PHSC Foundation received a $40,000 grant from the Edward K. Roberts Fund of the Community Foundation of Sarasota County. The contribution provided CareerSource Pasco Hernando Board continued their investment in students through the Dr. Katherine M. Johnson Annual Scholarship. They also established the scholarships to nearly 60 part-time students Hernando County Workforce Scholarship in the fall semester who did not qualify for through their sponsorship of the Workforce other financial aid. Since 2011, the fund Stakeholders Engagement Summit held at the has donated $380,000 from the Edward K. Rao Musunuru, M.D. Conference Center at the Roberts Community College Fund providing Spring Hill Campus this past fall. scholarships to more than 650 PHSC students. To learn about a student who benefited from this scholarship, see page 22. The Hernando County Sheriff’s Charities, Inc. donated $2,000 in support of the In addition to their sponsorship of the 2019- 20 Performing Arts Series, the Duke Energy Foundation provided $25,000 to programs and scholarships benefiting students enrolled in engineering, design and drafting programs. Concept College Program, which provides college preparedness for low-income or David Thomson continued to support the Janet disadvantaged 6-12 graders. G. Thomson Scholarship through a $1,000 gift. In memory of Frank Parker, the Rotary Club of New Port Richey provided a $2,000 gift to the Established in honor of Thomson’s wife, this endowment will provide scholarships for two students during the 2019-20 academic year. Frank Parker Scholarship. Established in 2017, this endowed fund provides scholarships to Unisoft International provided a $1,000 gift to students who reside in Pasco County and the Women in Education Scholarship that will demonstrate financial need. The Rotary Club be awarded to female students enrolled in the has nine endowed scholarships for PHSC Educator Preparation Institute (EPI) Program at students. PHSC. Students pursuing a degree in education Mary Ann Buel donated $10,000 to the will continue to benefit from the generosity endowed scholarship she established last year provided by Delta Kappa Gamma. The in honor of her father, Ervin Hasse. The Ervin local Chapter recently provided $1,500 Hasse Memorial Scholarship assists female to the Dr. Marion D. Bullock/Delta Kappa students who demonstrate financial need. Gamma Key Women Educators Scholarship. This scholarship was established in 2011 in Wellcare provided $5,000 to become a Gold memory of Dr. Bullock who served as provost Presenting Sponsor for the current Performing of PHSC’s East Campus and was a member of Arts Series. Delta Kappa Gamma. 24 PHSC